Tattersall - Season 1 : Episode 56


  • Comedy

Mansour works at an Egg and Hen Company where he is gunning for a promotion to manager. When he finally gets it, he runs into some trouble and is replaced by the boss's nephew Farzad Paknejad, who also begins to rent an apartment from Shokouh. Farzad and Parastoo begin to develop feelings for each other and later marry. Parastoo is a third-year psychology major at the local university and likes to try out the things she learns in class on her family. Rana is a flight attendant, and Hamed is a singer who is waiting to be discovered. He sings in nearly every episode and eagerly awaits the day that his album will be available and he'll be famous. Nazir Shanbeh is a sycophantic caretaker, who is given the place in the family by Shokouh. He is known for his various comical accents, high pitched screams and crying when not all things go his way. Despite the crazy adventures the characters go through, at the end of the day they are all one happy family who love each other.

Season 1 Episodes


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